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Quick Tabs - Emergency Flush Detox Tablets

Quick Tabs - Emergency Flush Detox Tablets
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QUICK TABS all natural emergency flush formula specially designed for you to pass urine drug test.

Quick Tabs is exceptional formula empowered by nature to alleviate passing the urine screen. Just wash the tablet down with water and enjoy the effect it produces!
Becomes effective.
It starts working in an hour and the result is kept for 4 hours.
- effective in an hour
- works up to 5 hours
- one item from the set free of charge
- meet your requirements
- if failed, you will be repaid twice as much
Instructions for use:
1. Consume 4 tablets and wash them down with 12 ounces of water while stomach is unfilled
2. Wait for 20 minutes, then consume 3 tablets, washing them down with 12 ounces of water too.
3. In 20 minutes take the rest 3 tablets again with 12 ounces of water.
When you finished, do not consume more water. You may drink much before the product intake, not after. If you are a heavy person (weigh more than 180 lbs) then it is possible to increase the amount of water up to 16 ounces every 20 minutes.
We advise you to use also Pre-Tox Master Concentrated Capsules before you start the procedure with the use of Cleansing Tabs. Beware all toxins for 24-48 hours before the deadline.

Among contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding, ulcer, gastric irritation, inflammation. It is also not desirable to take this product long.

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