ZYDOT Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner
Removes Internal Hair Purifying Treatment Removes Medications, Chemical Buildup and Other Impurities From Within the Hair Shaft.
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner is a remarkable product, which is able to cleanse your hair from undesirable substances. It provides deep cleansing and has advanced formula.
Triple work of the product:
- All handicaps of deep penetration into the hair are eliminated.
- It is able to wash all dirt away; all pollutants will be removed from the shaft of the hair.
- Conditioner prevents hair from being tangled, makes the hair shine and makes it easily managed.
The cleansing effect of the purification shampoo is guaranteed by manufacturer, who believes in the efficiency of the Ultra Clean Shampoo or will return your money back!
During the use of the shampoo all obstacles (hairspray, other things for styling), which are in the way of deep penetration into the structure of the hair are removed to get the access to inner part.
After the access to the inner part of the hair is achieved the poisonous substances are dissolved inside. Make your hair toxic-free and clean with the help of Ultra Clean!
The product can not only clean your hair, but make it beautiful with the help of the conditioner.
There is Aloe Vera in the Ultra Clean Shampoo, which produces a good effect on the hair and scalp, purifying you and driving the toxins away! Aloe as a component of conditioner makes the hair smooth and easy to be brushed.
The shampoo must be applied on the day of the deadline.
The product is produced by the company Zydot Unlimited, which has been involved in the research activity since 1987 and is constantly improving its products. It specializes on the invention of purification products.
Bear in mind! If you are frequently subjected to the harmful influence of toxins, then you should combine this product with the ZYDOT Ultra Clean to unsure the good results of the treatment course.